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Children &Youth Ministry


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6:30 PM

The Mission of our Youth

To lead as Many teens as possible to become born again followers of Jesus Christ, and  mature disciples and disciple makers ready to serve our church, each other, and the community as they develop into the next generation of powerful Christian leaders ready  to change the world for Christ!

Philosophy and Goals:

I know we have a small youth group, and we are basically rebuilding from just a hand full of teens but I believe we can still have a lot of fun and accomplish some great things for God.Teens are very special and important to our church. Let me explain kind of my philosophy about what our youth group should be doing, and what I want for us to accomplish.


#1 We want to see teens become born again and saved by accepting Jesus as their personal Savior!  Everything else comes second. Building self esteem, having fun,a safe place to share, serving in church, Bible Studies etc. All the traditional aspects of a teen ministry are good but number one should be helping teens become “saved” Born again followers of the Lord Jesus Christ


#2 We want to see teens be discipled in the Lord, really learn, grow, and get serious about knowing God better, and become disciple makers themselves who will not fall away from following Christ after they leave home.


#3 Acceptance and Grace. We need to have a safe place for teens to share with each other and pray for one another and just basically accept and love each person.Teens today have more temptations and spiritual attacks than ever before and need Christian brothers and Sisters and adult leaders who will help them stay strong in this wicked world we live in.


#4 We want to have fun and fellowship.  Once a month, or as often as possible we will have a fun activity planned movies, bowling, cookouts, snow inner tubing, water skiing, camps /retreats etc.  However, the parents and teens have to decide they want to participate.  It is becoming more and more challenging to “entertain” teens and attract them to church. Things which used to work just a few years ago just don’t seem to work as well or not at all anymore. Especially since the covid many teens have gotten away for the “need” or “desire” to attend church. Both teens and their parents many times put church attendance and youth events


#5 We want to be servants in our church, our community and even out of town. You guys have been a tremendous help every Sunday morning helping set up and tear down!You were very important at the Fall Bash, Spring Bash, and every special even t we have. You help hand out flyers, help greet in church, help teach the children’s church.Some of you sing and even help with the Communion. You are truly being servants and we could not have a great church without you.I also hope you will want to help on mission trips to Juarez, handing out food, building projects, and in the future maybe go out of town on youth mission trips.We must continue to be servants everywhere we go.Remember we represent Jesus and Westside Community Church!

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