Read below to explore all of the ways you can get plugged into Westside Community Church
Explora todas las maneras que puedes conectarte a Westside Community Church
Care Groups
Why a Care Group?
We believe that attending church on Sunday mornings is great, but is not enough. A home fellowship (care group) where believers and pre-Christian seekers meet during the week must be maintained.
Using the Bible to learn and study God’s word in greater depth, and experiencing the power of group prayer while enjoying closer friendships, is essential.
Care group goals:
To learn more about the word of God from the Bible.
I Timothy 3:16 -
To experience the power of group prayer.
James 5:16 -
To form close friendships with other followers of Christ.
Acts 2:42 -
To grow and eventually multiply and form other home fellowships.
Acts 2:47 -
To develop Shepherd leaders.
1 Peter 3:15
Current care groups
We’re glad you’ve chosen to find out more about Westside Community Church (WCC). This class is the basic introduction to our church family. Since we have members from many different church backgrounds, this class was designed to clearly explain who and what our church is. The class explains some of the most basic principles of the Christian faith, our specific vision and approach to reaching people for Christ, and what we expect of those who want to be part of our church family.
There are four classes...
This first class covers the basics of how to have personal relationship with God and His Son Jesus, meanings of baptism, communion, salvation, tithing or giving of our finances to God, our visions and strategy, and how to become a member.
This second class teaches about Bible study, prayer, quiet time, finances, and becoming mature in the faith.
This class helps us discover and use our spiritual gifts.
This class helps us discover our special mission in life through serving God.
*If you're interested in attending our membership classes, sign up in-person in the foyer of the church!
We believe in the importance of creating and maintaining discipleship relationships among fellow Christians. We offer the following classes:
Four Fields
New Life in Christ
*If you're interested in attending our discipleship classes, sign up in-person in the foyer of the church!

What is Baptism?
We believe that Baptism is one of the two ordinances that Christ committed to the church (the other being the Lord's Supper). We baptize through immersion and believe that baptism is a sign and seal of the covenant of grace practiced after a person has received Christ.
Can I be baptized?
If you understand God's salvation and admit you have accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior; and if you freely admit your desire to follow Christ by participating in the act of baptism, please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page and Pastor Joe will arrange a meeting with you.
Baby Dedication

What is baby dedication?
Our children are precious. Not only do we attend to their physical needs, we attend to their spiritual needs as well.
Why do we dedicate our babies?
Baby dedication is not the same as salvation. It is a promise of the parents to raise their children up in the Lord and guide them in their spiritual journey. As a church family, we also promise support, encourage, and guide the family in the process. Baby dedications are done on Sunday mornings during service throughout the year. If you wish to participate, please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page and we will reach out to you.