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Book Club

Men and Women Ministries

MEn's Ministry

We believe men are to be:

  • Servant leaders of their families and the church.

  • We want to help equip both married and single men to follow Christ and enable them to become all God wants them to be.

  • We desire for men to help disciple other men as we fight the good fight together

against are enemy the devil.


We want to empower men to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in this battle, and humbly lead our families and the local church.


Women's Ministry

The women’s ministry is designed to build women up, both single and married and Activities include women’s care groups, Bible studies, Women’s retreats, Fellowships, work days, Mission trips, and serving in other church ministries.row them into disciples in the image and example of our Savior Jesus Christ.

We want to help form godly wives who will serve alongside their husbands.  We want to empower women who have children to raise them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  Women willing to love, cherish, and serve their families as they serve Jesus, at home, work, our church and the community. We want to build strong single women who will also serve others respect themselves and other men and women both married and single. We also understand the special challenges of single moms and want to help equip them to raise their children in a godly home. We want to help women become bold followers of Christ who in turn will make other women followers of Christ.


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