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A Modern Adoption Agency
Legacy Adoption Agency is increasing awareness of the Adoption Option to those facing an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. In an unplanned situation, we ensure parents to-be learn their options and create a plan that is best for them and their baby. If that plan is adoption, they can pick the perfect family for their baby from our ready and waiting Christian families.
Licensed Child Placing Agency by Texas DFPS
Our Adoption Agency Embraces Everyone
Love is Motivation


Voluntary adoption isn’t giving up it’s giving more! Are you Pregnant? Are you considering placing your baby for adoption? Do you want to pick the adoptive parents? We can help.
We offer free and confidential adoption information for those considering an adoption. If you choose and adoption we will be with you every step. Phone, video or in-person.
201 E Sunset Rd
El Paso, TX 79922
*Second Floor of Westside Community Church

Call: 915-465-4114
Available 24/7 by phone
In-person by appointment only
Marcela Carrillo
Options Counselor
Outreach, Education, and Adoption Presentations
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