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Come as you are and meet new friends! If you are new, we encourage you to fill out a yellow information card located in the back pocket of the chair in front of you and turn it into the Welcome Center after service so we can get to know you!*Visitor Card QR Code coming soon!

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Our goal at Westside is to provide an atmosphere of worship where we may seek the presence of God through contemporary music that glorifies Jesus. 

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Pastor Joe’s sermons are primarily expository, meaning he teaches chapter-by-chapter and verse-by-verse until a particular book in the Bible is completed, letting the word of God speak for itself. However, he sometimes preaches a sermon series on subjects he believes God has put into his heart to teach.  His teaching style is easy enough for any “pre-Christian” to understand, yet challenging enough for the most mature believers well-versed in Scripture. The challenges, issues, spiritual truths, and questions we all face are taught from a Godly perspective and are always based upon biblical principles.

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Held on the first Sunday of every month, we practice an "open communion." This means that any born-again believer who follows Jesus Christ is welcome to participate, including non-church members. We do recommend, however, that young children or adults who do not yet have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ wait until they have been born-again to participate.
We believe communion is more than a religious ceremony, and that it is an intimate time between the believer and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as we remember and reaffirm the covenant of his blood through the drinking of the juice and the eating of the wafer (symbolic of his blood and body). We remember that he died for us on the cross and the shedding of his blood, and the punishment he took in our place for forgiveness of our sins. It is also a time for us to confess our sins, repents of ungodly lifestyles, and forgive other who have sinned against us.  

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Boxes for monetary giving or submitting information cards/prayer requests are located in the seat back pocket of the chair in front of you in the sanctuary. We also have an online giving option where you can click the button below to submit.

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We would love to pray for you! On Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM we have our exciting Church Family Connection Nights, a worship service with music, powerful prayer groups, and biblical teaching. The last Wednesday night of every month includes a special free meal at the Mustard Seed Cafe. If you have a particular prayer need, please contact us, or meet with one of our Servant Leaders during one of our services.

Westside Community Church

Office: 915-877-8000

Tuesday-Friday 9 AM-3 PM



201 E Sunset Rd

El Paso, TX 79922

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Thank you for submitting your questions, comments, or concerns!

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